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Aquaculture Division

Aquaculture is important for contribution to food security and nutrition in Myanmar. Myanmar depends heavily on the aquaculture sub-sector, as a critical contributor to national and regional socio and economic development with contributions to the rural economy, export income.

          The structure of Aquaculture Division comprises with Fish and Shrimp Culture Section, Aquatic Animal Health and Disease Control Section, Freshwater Fish Research Section and Crocodile Farm. The main responsibilities of Aquaculture Division are:



to produce good quality fish and prawn/shrimp seeds for fish farmers,



to ensure replenishment of fish and shrimp seeds into the natural water bodies such as rivers and lakes and men-made water bodies such as reservoirs and dams for enrichment of fisheries resources,


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to conduct researches of potential marine and freshwater aquatic species for aquaculture development, 



to contribute and transfer of basic and applicable aquaculture technology to fish farmers and 



to conduct environment-friendly and sustainable aquaculture methods such as Good Aquaculture Practices (GAqP) to align with ASEAN Guidelines of Good Aquaculture Practices and international market requirement.

Duty and Function of Aquaculture Division 



Producing of good quality fish and shrimp seeds by DoF fisheries stations,



To ensure conservation of fisheries or sustainable aquatic resources by the releasing of hatchery produced fish and shrimp seeds to natural water body,



Formal services of analyzing water and soil quality for fish pond management and of diagnose the fish and shrimp diseases, giving guidance of disease control and prevention for fish farmers,



Monitoring, control and given good management and regulation on aquaculture industry,


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Strengthening good management for the development of environment-friendly aquaculture system and the encourage of cultured based capture fisheries to increase of fish production,



Issuing the amendments of aquaculture laws, legislation and regulation as the requirements of current situation and emerging issues,



Supervision of expertise for the establishment of short-term and/or long-term aquaculture development programs,



Data collecting, recording and analyzing on aquaculture areas and land use right status of whole country and fish and shrimp seeds production from DoF fisheries stations and private sectors,



Increase implementation of  the National Standard of Good Aquaculture Practices (GAqP) in compliance with the international and ASEAN guidelines of Good Aquaculture Practices (GAqP)



Support to conduct trainings of basic fish farming and fish breeding technology for local fish farmers and capacity building of skillful technology and techniques of aquaculture systems,



Seeking the improved technologies of aquaculture and providing extension and training for sustainable development and expanding of aquaculture industry as a whole,



Data collecting and managing to be able to fully imposing of revenue for aquaculture registration,



Regularly observing the aquaculture industry development as a whole and recording and reporting the extraordinary phenomenon of climate change impacts on aquaculture industry and emerging fish diseases to prevent and adapt from these impacts.

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